Editorial Policies

Access Policy

This journal offers open access, following the principle of democratization of knowledge through free, open, transparent, ethical and free access to all published content.


Statement of standards Ethics and good editorial practice

Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias de la Comunicación is committed to high standards of ethics in science, editorial quality and a firm commitment to academic integrity, demanding standards of ethical behavior from all parties involved in the process of producing knowledge submitted for publication. For this reason, it does not accept (self-)plagiarism or any conduct incompatible with good practice in science, in accordance with the guidelines of CNPq, Fapesp, Capes and the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). In this sense, the editors seek to develop an honest and open relationship with authors, ad hoc evaluators and others involved in the publication and adopt all possible measures to avoid cases of fraud and/or plagiarism.


All authors must submit original, unpublished texts of their own authorship for publication, assuming these characteristics when they send their material for consideration by the Editorial Committee through the Journal's system. Likewise, the Journal is committed to guaranteeing a fair and objective review of manuscripts using the blind evaluation system.


Authors who submit their texts to the Journal must comply with all ethical publication practices, with special attention to authorship, plagiarism, data manipulation, transparency of the publication process, conflicts of interest and follow the ethical research policies in accordance with the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE): http://publicationethics.org/ 


Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias de la Comunicación uses the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) to identify and locate its articles.


It adopts and recommends the following commitments and practices for each of its main agents:



  • They are responsible for the original manuscript submitted for evaluation, ensuring that it complies with the Statements of Good Practice (ethical and editorial) and the ethical principles of the field of knowledge to which the study refers.
  • The contributions of all authors must be credited, with authorship ranked in order of contribution.
  • It must take care to resolve questions and possible conflicts of interest, citing at the end of the text any contributions from funding bodies, commercial or political institutions, among others. 
  • The institutions (possible or not) to which the collaborating authors are linked in the execution of the study must be mentioned. 
  • If the research involves any kind of experimentation on human beings, the authors must state that it complies with the ethical procedures for scientific research of this kind.
  • If any inaccuracies are noticed, even after the work has been published in the Journal, the authors should immediately inform the Editors so that the relevant corrections can be inserted and highlighted in the published material. 


Ad hoc evaluators

  • Assisting editors in their decisions.
  • Any reason that could prevent an objective evaluation must be reported immediately to the editors, who will cancel the review request, without any prejudice to the evaluator.
  • The evaluators must inform the editors of any type of ethical deviation ((self-plagiarism, published work, lack of reference, inaccurate data, etc.) that they notice when evaluating the text.
  • Suggest improvements to the work submitted.
  • The criteria for evaluating the work must be related to scientific quality (originality, relevance, contribution to the field of study, etc.), seeking to express in an objective, respectful and reasoned manner the reasons why they recommend approval or rejection.
  • In order to preserve the flow of the journal, if it is impossible to meet the deadlines or carry out the evaluation, please inform the editors as soon as possible.



  • They are responsible for deciding on the publication of submitted work, based on the Journal's policies, with the standard of ensuring that all evaluation and publication processes are fully respected.
  • The ad hoc evaluators will be selected according to their specialty, taking into account the area of the submitted text, avoiding any type of discrimination or conflict of interest that could jeopardize the evaluation process, which is based exclusively on criteria of scientific quality (originality, relevance, contribution to the field of study, etc.). 
  • The anonymity and confidentiality of the authors and evaluators will be preserved, guaranteeing the integrity of the process. 
  • The Journal's transparency policy is to guarantee the best possible editorial flow, offering clarification to authors on the status of their submission.
  • Periodically consulting the members of the Editorial Board on the Journal's flows and informing them, whenever necessary, of changes in editorial policies. 

Members of the Editorial Board

  • Assisting with the flow of the magazine.
  • Contribute to the development and good management of the Journal.
  • Help promote the magazine.
  • Helping the editors make decisions about the magazine.

Plagiarism detection

It adopts and recommends the following commitments and practices:


  • All submissions must be checked by anti-plagiarism software before being sent for peer review. Cases of plagiarism or self-plagiarism will result in the original not being accepted by the journal.
  • The Journal does not accept (self-)plagiarism or any conduct incompatible with good practice in science, in accordance with the guidelines of CNPq, Fapesp, Capes and the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). In this sense, the editors seek to develop an honest and open relationship with authors, ad hoc evaluators and others involved in the publication and adopt all possible measures to avoid cases of fraud and/or plagiarism.
  • Any doubts that may give rise to suspicions of scientific misconduct, at any stage of the process (from submission to the final result of the evaluation) such as those described in FAPESP's Code of Good Scientific Practice (fabrication and falsification of data, plagiarism, etc.) and even after the material has already been published, should be reported to the publishers.
  • Once a suspicion of (self-)plagiarism or any other scientific misconduct has been received, it must be clarified by the editors, in consultation with the authors. Once verified, the journal will adopt measures that may range from correction and/or eventual cancellation of the submission.
  • Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias de la Comunicación is committed to ethical principles and is willing to publish corrections, clarifications and retractions when necessary. Likewise, should 
  • With regard to ethical complaints about published text, the editors will take the necessary measures to investigate any complaints and/or corrections and/or retractions, in accordance with the Declaration of Ethical Standards and Good Editorial Practices. 

Copyright Statement

Authors publishing in this journal agree to the following terms:


The journal reserves the right to make normative, orthographic and grammatical changes to the originals in order to maintain the cultured standard of the language, while respecting the authors' style. 

Authors retain copyright and grant the Journal the right of first publication, with the work simultaneously licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which allows the work to be shared with acknowledgement of authorship and initial publication in this Journal.

Authors are allowed and encouraged to define additional agreements for the non-exclusive distribution of the published version of the material (e.g. in institutional repositories, personal pages, books, institutional websites, book chapters), with the manifest recognition of its initial publication in the Journal. (See: The Effect of Open Access) (in English).


Privacy Policy

The names and addresses provided in this magazine will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.