About the Journal
Focus and Scope
Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias de la Comunicación is a four-monthly publication edited by the Asociación Latinoamericana de Investigadores de la Comunicación (ALAIC). It is an international scientific journal whose main objective is to promote the dissemination, democratization and strengthening of the Latin American school of communication thought. Its purpose is also to broaden the dialog with the world academic community and contribute to the integral development of society on the continent.
Aimed at researchers, teachers, students and professionals in the field of Communication, this journal welcomes, on a continuous basis, original and unpublished papers that address relevant and wide-ranging issues in the Latin American context, written in Portuguese, Spanish or English. The journal only publishes individual texts written by doctors. In the case of collective authorship, at least one of the co-authors must be a doctor.
It is a non-profit project: no payment is made to the authors and there is no charge for processing or publishing the material.
Only articles written in strict accordance with the journal's guidelines (Guidelines for Authors) and approved by the editorial board will be published. The journal is indexed in the Directory of Open Access Journals and Latindex databases.
Papers submitted to the journal can belong to any of the categories listed below:
Articles: reflections by Latin American researchers, special articles, analysis, reflections and conclusions on academic or professional topics; description of research, methodology, analysis of results and conclusions in the field of Communication studies. All published texts must refer to the field of Communication Sciences.
Interviews: discussions with personalities of interest to Communication research in Latin America.
Review: reflections on works in the field of Communication published in the last 24 months.
Studies: institutional reports from graduate programs and courses in the field of Communication Sciences, as well as institutional research groups and centers that address their historical constitutions, their lines and areas of research and their forms of action in the local, national and international context in the field of Communication.
ISSN 1807- 3026
Peer Review Process
Provided that the material submitted for evaluation is within the Focus and Scope of the journal and follows the general and specific rules for online submission, the collaborations received will participate in a blind evaluation process, with analysis and judgment.
Texts that meet the requirements may be accepted to continue with the review process. In this first phase, they will be reviewed by the journal's editors.
Blind peer review process
After initial analysis by the Editors, the texts will be sent to double referees for blind evaluation (without any kind of identification) by academic peers.
The evaluation in both instances will take into account: the originality of the approach, the methodological and scientific rigor, the topicality of the theme, the importance of the contributions, the journal's standards, as well as respect for academic, ethical, editorial and writing standards.
The evaluation of the texts will be confidential and will be expressed in a peer report that will indicate acceptance, conditional acceptance or rejection of the text.
If the article receives conditional acceptance, the editors of the journal will send the report to the author so that he can make the corresponding adjustments. The author is free to make corrections or not. The journal will only publish fully accepted texts.
In the event of controversy, the journal may send the article back for further evaluation.
If the text is accepted or rejected, the journal will notify the author by means of a communication.
The opinions expressed by the authors are their sole responsibility and do not necessarily reflect the position of the publication's editors.
The journal has a digital format. It is published every four months, with the following publication cycles:
January - April (Publication in May)
May and August (Publication in September)
September - December (Publication in January of the following year)
The journal is non-profit and is a space for the publication of dossiers, research articles, interviews, reviews and studies on Communication in the broad and diverse scenario of Latin America. There is no remuneration and no payment of any kind for contributions.
Researchers interested in collaborating should submit their articles via the platform. If you have any questions, please contact the journal's secretariat: revistalaic@usp.br.
Open Access Policy
This journal offers free access to its content, following the principle of democratization of knowledge through free, open, transparent, ethical and gratuitous access to all published content.
Authors' responsibilities
The authors of the texts submitted assume responsibility for the material being the product of their own intellectual authorship.
The authors are responsible for identifying all the data and references used, with the necessary credits.
The authors declare that the materials submitted to the journal are completely free of the author's rights, that they are responsible for any legal litigation of any order or claim related to intellectual property rights, and that they release the journal and its editors from all responsibility.
The opinions expressed by the authors are their sole responsibility.
It is also the responsibility of the author(s) to fully respect the ethical standards of scientific research (no self-plagiarism, authorship credit, veracity of information, accurate and correct data, complete references, etc.), as well as the ethical principles of the area and field of knowledge to which the text refers.