Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.- The submission file is in Microsoft Word format.
There is no identification of the author(s) in the document. All mentions of the author(s) in the text, notes or references have been replaced by the word AUTHOR and all authorship information deleted, including from the document properties. If authorship is identified, the text will not be accepted for evaluation. The authors' details must be filled in completely in the author identification tab.
- The author whose article is accepted and published undertakes to contribute as an ad hoc reviewer.
- Depending on the category of text chosen, the text absolutely complies with the style standards and bibliographic requirements described here. In addition, it has been verified that the text falls within the Scope and Focus of the journal.
- At least one doctoral researcher is the author of the paper.
- The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication in another journal. It should be noted that one of the conditions for submitting a work to the Journal is that it is not, under any circumstances, being evaluated by another journal, nor is it in the process of being reviewed, nor will it be sent to another journal until it has received a negative judgment from the relevant referee.
Declaration of Originality, according to the model.
Link: - The following are included in the text: title, abstract and keywords in: PORTUGESE, SPANISH and ENGLISH
- The length of the material is respected, according to the type of contribution to the journal (articles, interviews, reviews and studies).
Author Guidelines
Guidelines for Authors
1. General instructions to authors
1.1 The journal receives, in a continuous flow, unpublished works, in collective or individual authorship, written in Portuguese, Spanish or English. The Journal publishes individual papers signed by PhD researchers, or by master’s and specialists accompanied by their PhD advisors, except when sections or dossiers with specific guidelines aimed at other audiences are flagged. In the case of texts written collectively, one of the co-authors must necessarily be a PhD researcher. An author, after publishing in an issue of the journal, must wait for the interstice of two years before submitting a new publication.
1.2 If the article has two or more authors, it will be mandatory to send a note to the editors, indicating the contribution of each author to the text. The justification will be analyzed by the editors, who will be responsible for accepting or not the submission of the article. It is essential to include your full name and ORCID number in the registration, as requested in the form.
1.3 As long as they fit into the Focus and Scope of the journal and if they follow the general and specific rules for online submission, the collaborations received will participate in an evaluation process with analysis and judgment. First, the editors and the editorial team verify that the texts comply with the formal criteria established by the journal's standards. Then, texts submitted without any identification of authorship, are evaluated by at least two reviewers, who may be from the Editorial Board, or by an ad hoc advisor.
Important: all data regarding the authors of the articles of all sections of the Journal must be included in the text submission process through metadata. Texts that do not comply with this standard will not be accepted.
1.4 Texts submitted must not be under review in another journal. The submission of the originals implies the acceptance of the following point by the authors: the copyright of the article, including the rights of total or partial reproduction of the same in any format, will be reserved and assigned to the Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias de la Comunicación.
1.5 Submissions are made by the author(s) through the journal's website. The forwarding of a text must follow the following steps:
How to get started
You must access the system with login and password. If you are not registered as an author, it is necessary to do so in the system before starting the process of submitting a text. If you are registered and do not remember your password, it is possible to recover it through the system.
Steps of article submission
After accessing the system, you will be taken to the user's page. In the Author role, click New Submission.
Step 1 – Start submission: choose the section that suits your type of text. Check if your submission complies with the "Conditions for Submission" by checking the checkboxes. If your text does not comply with any of these conditions, the editorial team reserves the right not to forward the text to the evaluation process, rejecting it immediately. Also, in step 1 it is possible, optionally, to make comments to the editor.
Save and continue to step 2.
Step 2 – Manuscript Transfer: Select the complete and revised file; make the transfer. The submitted file must not contain any identification of authorship, nor nominal references to the author in the content (including text, notes, and bibliographic references), nor in the properties of the document.
Save and continue to step 3.
Step 3 – Submission Metadata (Indexing): Fill in the submission metadata. In collective work, the rest of the authors must be registered; It is necessary, in this case, to "include author". If you have more than two authors, do not forget to comply with item 1.2 above.
Be sure to put the "bio summary" at the time of submission. The main data of each author must have a maximum of 400 characters (with spaces), without paragraph breaks, with at least the following mandatory information.
For researchers and doctors: Professor (or researcher) at the University (Sigla). PhD in (area), University (name of the University and acronym). Email address.
For students: Post-doctoral student (post-graduate (in the case of students of lato sensu courses), master's or doctoral student) at the University (name of the University and acronym) (or in the Graduate Program in (area) of the (name of the University and acronym). Email address.
Save and continue to step 4.
Step 4 – Transfer of supplementary documents: this step is optional and, if necessary, you can include supplementary documents to your work. For these cases, the step of selecting and transferring the files is identical to step 2.
To go to the last step, save and continue.
Step 5 – Confirmation: After verifying and completing the previous steps, it is time to complete the submission by clicking on the corresponding button.
2. Standards for formatting papers (use APA standard)
2.1 Articles
2.1.1. General formatting
Articles must have a minimum of 20,000 characters and a maximum of 35,000 characters (including, in both cases, spaces, occasional footnotes, abstracts with keywords in the three languages - Portuguese, English, and Spanish - and bibliographic references). The text must be in Microsoft Word or OpenOffice format, on a DIN A4 size page (21.0 cm x 29.7 cm), with all side margins of 3 cm.
The author(s) must remove their name(s), including from the properties of the document, and replace any references to themselves with the expression "AUTHOR" in the text, notes, and bibliographic references. All authors and their biographies must be indicated in the submission system, never in the document. Text identification elements
On the first page, in this order, the following textual elements must be included:
In Portuguese, English, and Spanish, in that order, they must be entirely in capital letters with a maximum of 100 characters (with spaces), typed in Times New Roman font, size 14, with single line spacing, justified alignment and no paragraph indentation. Titles, under no circumstances, should contain footnotes, nor be submitted to bold, italics and underlining.
Three abstracts (in Portuguese, English, and Spanish, in that order), each with a maximum of 650 characters, including spaces. Texts must use Times New Roman font in size 12 with single line spacing, justified alignment and no paragraph indentation.
Each of the three abstracts is accompanied by four keywords separated by semicolons.
Attention: if the article is written in Spanish or English, the order of presentation of titles, abstracts, and keywords changes. For articles written in Spanish, the order of titles, abstracts, and keywords is as follows: in Spanish, in English, and in Portuguese. For articles written in English, the order of titles, abstracts and keywords is as follows: in English, in Spanish, and in Portuguese. Body text
Two lines below the keywords of the last abstract, the body of the text begins, whose elements or characteristics are as follows:
Body text – general format:
They must be typed in Times New Roman font with 12 font, with single line spacing, justified alignment and 1 cm indentation at the beginning of paragraphs, except for highlighted quotations and footnotes.
Texts can be subdivided into sections with subtitles formatted in Times New Roman, size 12, bold, with single line spacing, justified alignment, no indentation, and numbered using Arabic numerals (1, 2,...). The following is an example of how to number the subheadings of the divisions of an article:
1. Mass communication
1.1 Theories of communication
1.1.1 Exchanges and flows
Bold, italics, and quotation marks:
The use of bold is to give some kind of emphasis to the text and the use of italics is to highlight a foreign word or a title of a work that may eventually be indicated in the main text. Titles of songs, episodes of television programs, short stories, and scientific articles should always be placed in quotation marks without italics. Examples:
In The Social Production of Writing, Raymond Williams makes a sophisticated critique of...
It can be said, without a doubt, that "Alegria, Alegria", the song by Caetano Veloso, was one of the milestones...
Citations in the body of text:
These citations must be indicated in the author-date system according to the APA standard.
(a) When the name of the author(s) is included within the body of the text, the date of publication must be added in parentheses. Examples: Andrade (1987) points out that... or according to Andrade and Barbosa (2012) ...
(b) When the citation is indirect and the author(s) is not included within the sentence in the body of the text, the author(s) surname(s) must be indicated in parentheses, followed by the date of publication of the work. Up to three authors are all cited, with the separation between them by a comma and the ampersand. If there are more than three authors, the name of the first one is written followed by "et al". For citations of more than one work, by the same author, when published in the same year, a lowercase letter should be placed after the date, without space, respecting the alphabetical order – as, for example, (Gomez, 1999a) and (Gomez, 1999b). Examples: ... in French literature at the turn of the nineteenth century, the factor of professionalization of the writer was essential (Bourdieu, 1996)... or The nature of materialism is intimately linked to the production and reproduction of the conditions of existence of men as a whole (Engels & Marx, 2007).
(c) When the quotation is direct, that is, when it reproduces the same words of the author(s) cited, it must be placed in quotation marks, followed by the indication in parentheses of the author(s) surname(s), date of publication of the work and page number(s). Examples: "The affirmation of the unity of the system constitutes one of the most valid contributions of the work of Horkheimer and Adorno" (Martín-Barbero, 1997, p. 77). "In their leisure, people must orient themselves by this unity that characterizes production" (Adorno & Horkheimer, 1985, p. 117).
Block Quotations:
Direct quotations longer than 3 lines must be formatted in Times New Roman font size 11, in italics, with single spacing between lines, justified alignment and a margin of 4 cm to the left and without quotation marks. After the citation, the author's surname(s), date of publication of the work and page number(s) must be indicated in parentheses [up to three authors, all are cited, with the separation between them by semicolons. If there are more than three authors, the name of the first author is written followed by "et al". For citations of more than one work, by the same author, when published in the same year, a lowercase letter should be placed after the date, without space, respecting the alphabetical order – as, for example, (Gomez, 1999a) and (Gomez, 1999b)].
Footnotes must be automatically numbered by the Arabic numeral system (1, 2, 3, ...), with formatting in Times New Roman font with size 10, with single spacing between lines, justified alignment. They are intended for explanatory information or additional clarifications that cannot be included in the body of the text. It is recommended that the notes be brief and reduced to the minimum and indispensable. Indications of bibliographic references should not be inserted in the notes, but in the main body of the text, as already pointed out.
Tables and illustrations:
According to the APA 7th edition standard, both the tables used for the presentation of qualitative research data, always presented in textual and non-numerical form, and the tables commonly used for quantitative data, in numerical form, are called tables and their identification and source are below them. Illustrations, among other things, can be a drawing, a photograph, a graphic, a map, a cinematographic frame, etc. Tables and illustrations should be inserted somewhere in the main body of the text, being as close as possible to the passage to which they refer; They must also have a title at the bottom along with the indication of the source. If the chart, table or even illustration is prepared by the author(s) themselves, it should be indicated: "Source: Author(s)". If there is more than one frame, more than one table or more than one illustration throughout the text, you should number them before the title, and then place the period and the corresponding title. Example: Table 1. The new theories of communication or Graph 1. The journalistic oligopolies.
Any of these elements, used by the author(s), must have good resolution and have compatible quality for the realization of a professional print. The authors are responsible for the possible need for permission for the reproduction of such figures, and the authors must respect national laws and international conventions on intellectual property. References cited.
At the end of the body of the text of the article or of the scientific communication, only the references cited in the text should be listed. They should be listed in alphabetical order in Times New Roman font format with size 12, with single line spacing, justified alignment and no indentation at the beginning of paragraphs. The standardization of these complete references should follow the examples below:
New submitted papers may be formatted both from the ABNT standards, and PREFERABLY from the American Psychological Association (APA) standards, especially about citations and references.
The following is a summary of the references in the APA standards:
A) Articles in academic journals
Last Name, A.A., Last Name, B.B. & Last Name, C.C. (Date of publication). Title of the article. Title of publication, volume(number), pp. xx-xx. doi: xx. xxxxxxx
A1) Articles in academic journals on the internet
Last Name, A.A., Last Name, B.B. & Last Name, C.C. (Date of publication). Title of the article. Title of the publication, volume(number), pp. xx-xx. doi: xx. xxxxxxx.
B) Books
Surname, A. A. (Year of publication). Title of the book. City: Publisher.
B1. Books with publisher
Surname, A. A. (Year of publication). Title. (A. A. Surname, Ed.) City: Publisher.
B2. Books by Corporate Authors
Name of the Institution or body. (Year of publication). Title of the book. City: Publisher.
B3. Book chapters
Surname, A. A. & Surname, B. B. (Year of publication). Title of the chapter or entry. In Surname, A. A. (Ed.), Title of the book (pp. xx-xx). City: Publisher.
C) Press article
Surname, N. N. (Day of Month of the Year). Title of the article. Newspaper, pp. xx-xx.
D) Audiovisual product
Surname, A. A. (Direction). (Year). Title of the audiovisual product [Type of audiovisual product]. Distributor.
E) Interview
Surname, N. N. (Day of Month of the Year). Title: interview. (N. Surname, Interviewer).
F) Website document
Surname, N. N. (Day of Month of the Year). Document title. Recovered: Query Month Query Day, Query Year, Website Name: URL
G) Technical report
Last name, A. A. (Year). Title. (Report No. xxx). City: Publisher.
H) Thesis/Dissertation
Last name, A. A. (Year). Title. (Unpublished doctorate/master's thesis/dissertation). Institution Name, Location.
More detailed information about APA standards can be found at the following link:
2.2 Interview
2.2.1 General Formatting:
Conducted with an academic personality of great international projection in the field of Communication in Latin America, the interview must have at least 20,000 characters (with spaces and including any footnotes and bibliographic references) and a maximum of 35,000 characters (with spaces and including any footnotes and bibliographic references). The text, in Microsoft Word or OpenOffice, must be in DIN A4 size page format (21.0 cm x 29.7 cm), with all side margins of 3 cm, with text typed in Times New Roman font, size 12, justified, with single spacing between lines and indentation of 1 cm at the beginning of paragraphs.
The interview is in a question-and-answer format. The questions should not, under any circumstances, use all uppercase fonts and should be in bold, with no need to identify the interviewer. Answers should not use all uppercase fonts either. It is also not necessary to identify the interviewee at the beginning of each answer. Italics are used only for foreign words. Any highlights within the text – such as subtitles – should be placed in bold.
Each interview must contain a title, centered, in Portuguese, English and Spanish, in that order, all in capital letters, in Times New Roman font, size 14, with single spacing between lines. Titles, under no circumstances, should contain footnotes, nor be submitted to bold, italics and underlining.
Attention: if the article is written in Spanish or English, the order of presentation of the title’s changes. For articles written in Spanish, the order of the titles is as follows: in Spanish, in English, and in Portuguese. For articles written in English, the order of the titles is as follows: in English, in Spanish, and in Portuguese.
Brief biography of the interviewee
Below the title, after skipping a line, there should be the full name of the interviewee and a brief biography, in a maximum of 800 characters (with spaces). It is recommended that, in this biographical text, they contain the institutional and academic connections of the biography, the main positions and functions assumed throughout the career, in addition to the titles and awards won. The e-mail address should be included at the end.
Introductory text
Before the questions and answers, the interviewer is allowed to insert a brief introductory text about the interview and/or interviewee. This text must contain a maximum of 1,200 characters (with spaces).
Footnotes should be used only when essential.
References cited.
Generally, this textual type within the journal, as it is an interview, does not include citations and bibliographic references. But, if necessary, the general rules for citation and formation of bibliographic references indicated in items and should be used.
In addition to the text of the interview, a digital photo, in JPEG or JPG format, with minimum dimensions of 6 cm X 4 cm, in a minimum resolution of 300 dpi, must also be sent, as a supplementary document.
2.3 Study
2.3.1 General formatting
The text of the Studies section must have at least 20,000 characters (with spaces and including any footnotes, abstracts with keywords in the three languages (Portuguese, English and Spanish, in that order) and bibliographic references) and a maximum of 35,000 characters (with spaces and including any footnotes, abstracts with keywords in the three languages (Portuguese, English and Spanish, in that order) and bibliographic references). The text must be in Microsoft Word or OpenOffice format, on a DIN A4 size page (21.0 cm x 29.7 cm), with all side margins of 3 cm.
In Portuguese, English and Spanish, in this order, the titles must be entirely in capital letters with a maximum of 150 characters (with spaces), typed in Times New Roman font with 14 font size with single spacing between lines, justified alignment and no paragraph indentation. The title can be the name of the program or the graduate course in reporting. Titles, under no circumstances, should contain footnotes, nor be submitted to bold, italics and underlining.
Three abstracts (in Portuguese, English and Spanish, in that order) about the reported graduate program or course, with a maximum of 650 characters (with spaces) each. All of them must be typed in Times New Roman font of 12 size with single line spacing, justified alignment and no paragraph indentation.
Each of the three abstracts is accompanied by four keywords separated by semicolons.
Attention: if the article is written in Spanish or English, the order of presentation of titles, abstracts, and keywords changes. For articles written in Spanish, the order of titles, abstracts, and keywords is as follows: in Spanish, in English, and in Portuguese. For articles written in English, the order of titles, abstracts and keywords is as follows: in English, in Spanish and in Portuguese.
Main body text:
It is at the discretion of the author(s) to subdivide the texts. It is suggested, however, that the texts, in relation to the graduate program or course, should address the (1) history and origin; (2) lines of research and areas of focus; (3) Faculty; (4) research groups formed; (5) forms of action in the local, national and international context in the field of Communication; (6) Resulting individual and collective research; (7) perspectives and plans for the coming years.
If it is necessary to use bibliographic references, the general rules for citation and formation of bibliographic references indicated in items and should be used.
2.4 Review
2.4.1 General formatting
Reviews, whose objects are works in the field of Communication published in the last 24 months, must have a minimum of 7,500 characters (with spaces and including any footnotes, abstracts with keywords in the three languages (Portuguese, English and Spanish) and bibliographic references) and a maximum of 15,000 characters (with spaces and including any footnotes, abstracts with keywords in the three languages (Portuguese, English and Spanish) and bibliographic references). The text must be in Microsoft Word or OpenOffice format, on a DIN A4 size page (21.0 cm x 29.7 cm) and with all side margins of 3 cm.
The author(s) must follow the same identification elements as in item Two lines after these elements, after the keywords, the complete reference of the reviewed work is added (follow the formatting mode of item
For the body of the main text, it is necessary to follow the same formatting rules as in item
Copyright Statement
Authors who publish in this journal agree to the following terms:
Authors retain copyright and grant the journal the right of first publication, with the work simultaneously licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which allows sharing the work with acknowledgment of authorship and initial publication in this journal.
Authors are authorized to assume additional contracts separately, for non-exclusive distribution of the version of the work published in this journal (e.g., publish in an institutional repository or as a book chapter), with acknowledgment of authorship and initial publication in this journal.
Authors are allowed and encouraged to publish and distribute their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their personal page) at any point before or during the editorial process, as this can lead to productive changes and increase the impact and citation of the published work (See The Open Access Effect).
Privacy Policy
The names and addresses informed in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.
Copyright Notice
Authors publishing in this journal agree to the following terms:
- Authors retain copyright and grant the journal the right of first publication, with the work simultaneously licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License that allows sharing of the work with acknowledgement of authorship and initial publication in this journal.
- Authors are permitted to enter into additional contracts separately, for non-exclusive distribution of the version of the work published in this journal (e.g. publish in an institutional repository or as a book chapter), with acknowledgement of authorship and initial publication in this journal.
- Authors are allowed and encouraged to publish and distribute their work online (e.g. in institutional repositories or on their homepage) at any point before or during the editorial process, as this can generate productive changes, as well as increase the impact and citation of the published work (See The Open Access Effect).
Privacy Statement
The names and addresses informed in this magazine will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication, not being made available for other purposes or to third parties.