Call for Papers Special Issue nr. 47 | "Comunicación, industrias culturales, y estudios sobre la edición"




Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias de la Comunicación invites researchers, scholars, and professionals from different areas (Communication and Media, Sociology and Economy of Culture, Cultural Studies, History, Language and Literature, Library Studies, and related fields) to submit papers for a special number called “Communication, Cultural Industries and Publishing Studies”.  Our goal is to explore the book industry and the editorial practices from different perspectives, focusing on their communicational, economical, sociological, and historical dimensions.


In the past 50 years, and particularly since the beginning of the 21st century, a field of studies on publishing and editing has been consolidated in many countries. Subjects as the publishing sector and its changes, its agents and practices, the duality of the book both as economic and cultural object, and publishing as a form of mediation, have been addressed from different disciplines in a complementary way. The main references in this field come from History and Sociology, but Communication Studies – as well as other disciplines that have been discussing those issues – have much to contribute.


Even though there is a recognized tradition of studies in this field among French and English-speaking countries, we consider that Publishing Studies have shown significant development in the Ibero-American scope in the last two decades. Therefore, it is one purpose of this dossier to bring together such contributions with the greatest possible multiplicity of theoretical and methodological approaches.

Suggested topics:


Based on these initial ideas, we propose the following thematic topics to authors as guidelines for submitting articles.


  • Publishing in the Ibero-American context: interdisciplinary crossovers and specific contribution from the Communication and Media Studies.
  • Publishing as a form of cultural mediation.
  • Political economy of the publishing industry: concentration, transnationalization and public policies.
  • The actors of the publishing ecosystem. Work conditions and work relationships.
  • Geopolitics of publishing, translation, and circulation of books.
  • Reception Theory and studies on reading.
  • Publishing in different sectors and market segments.
  • Catalogues, book series and collections.
  • Digitalization in the publishing world: transformations in creation, production, circulation and consumption practices.
  • The emergence of “independent” publishing houses during the 21st century.
  • The State as a publisher: experiences on public publishing, case studies and comparisons.
  • Scientific journals.
  • Historical and contemporary studies on periodic publications.




BARBIER, Frédéric. A Europa de Gutenberg: o livro e a invenção da modernidade ocidental (séculos XIII-XVI). Trad. Gilson César Cardoso de Souza. São Paulo: Edusp, 2018.


BOURDIEU, Pierre. Uma revolução conservadora na edição. Trad. Luciana Salazar Salgado e José de Souza Muniz Jr. Política e Sociedade, vol. 37, n. 19, 2018, p. 198-249.


CHARTIER, Roger. A mão do autor e a mente do editor. Trad. George Schlesinger. São Paulo: Ed. Unesp, 2014. 


CORDÓN-GARCÍA, José-Antonio; MUÑOZ-RICO, María. Edición, libro y lectura: espacios de autoría, visibilidad y socialización. Profesional de La Información, vol. 31, n. 2, 2022, p. 1-21.


DARNTON, Robert. Pirataria e publicação: o comércio de livros na era do Iluminismo. São Paulo: Ed. Unesp, 2021.


DE DIEGO, José Luís. La otra cara de Jano: una mirada crítica sobre el libro y la edición. Buenos Aires: Ampersand, 2015.


FERNÁNDEZ MOYA, María. Multinacionales del castellano: El sector editorial español y su proceso de internacionalización (1900-2018). Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2020.


GIL, Manuel; RODRÍGUEZ, Joaquín. El paradigma digital y sostenible del libro. Madrid: Trama Editorial, 2011.


GIMÉNEZ TOLEDO, Elea; CÓRDOBA-RESTREPO, Juan Felipe (Eds.). Edición académica y difusión. Libro abierto en Iberoamérica. Bogotá: Comares Editorial; Editorial Universidad del Rosario, 2018. Disponível em:


GRECO, Albert N. The Economics of the Publishing and Information Industries: The Search for Yield in a Disintermediated World. Nova York/Londres: Routledge, 2015.


GUERRERO, Gustavo; LOY, Benjamin; MÜLLER, Gesine (Eds.). World Editors: Dynamics of Global Publishing and the Latin American Case Between the Archive and the Digital Age. Berlim: De Gruyter, 2021. 


KURSCHUS, Stephanie. European Book Cultures: Diversity as a Challenge. Wiesbaden: Springer, 2015.


LEGENDRE, Bertrand.  Ce que le numérique fait aux livres. Grenoble: PUG, 2019.


MEDEIROS, Nuno. O objecto dúctil: a emergência de uma sociologia histórica da edição. Tempo Social, vol. 22, n. 2, 2010, p. 241-261.


MIÈGE, Bernard. Les industries culturelles et créatives face à l’ordre de l’information et de la communication. Grenoble: PUG, 2017.


NOËL, Sophie. La edición independiente crítica: compromisos políticos e intelectuales. Trad. Estela Consigli. Villa María: Eduvim, 2018.


RODRIGUES, Lidiane Soares; MUNIZ JR., José de Souza (Orgs.). Dossier Libros, editoriales y ciencias sociales. Prismas: Revista de Historia Intelectual, n. 22, p. 151-231, 2018.


ROUET, François. Le livre: une filière en danger? Paris: La Documentation française, 2013.


SANTANA, Letícia; MOREIRA, Renata; COUTINHO, Samara (Orgs.). Cartografias da edição independente. Belo Horizonte: LED-CEFET-MG, 2021.


SORÁ, Gustavo. Editar desde la izquierda en América Latina. Buenos Aires: Siglo XXI, 2017.


THOMPSON, John B. Mercadores de cultura: o mercado editorial no século XXI. Trad. Alzira Alegro. São Paulo: Ed. Unesp, 2013. 


TIAN, Xuemei; MARTIN, Bill (2013). Value Chain Adjustments in Educational Publishing. Publishing Research Quarterly, vol. 29, n. 1, p. 12-25, 2013.


ZALLO ELGUEZABAL, Ramón. Estructuras de la comunicación y de la cultura: Políticas para la era digital. Barcelona: Gedisa, 2011.


Deadline for submitting articles: June 10th, 2024

The texts must follow the norms of the journal, which are available at: 



Remember that ALAIC receives open articles (within the scope of the journal), interviews and reviews on a continuous basis, regardless of the dates of the dossiers.




Daniel Badenes, PhD, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Argentina



José de Souza Muniz Jr., PhD, CEFET-MG, Brazil



Iñaki Vázquez Álvarez, PhD, independent researcher, Spain




Iñaki Vázquez Álvarez, PhD, Investigador independiente, España
