Call for paper publication in the 41st issue of the Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias de la Comunicación”. Thematic dossier: Communication for sustainable development
Call for paper publication in the 41st issue of the Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias de la Comunicación”.
Thematic dossier: Communication for sustainable development
The deadline for submitting articles will be September 12, 2022.
Guest editors:
Ruy Sardinha Lopes (Universidade de São Paulo)
Gustavo Ramon Cimadevilla (Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto/ Argentina)
To think about the communication/development binomial or the concept “communication for development”, we must refer to studies strongly marked by the North American functionalist thought of the 1950s. Nowadays, it is essential to acknowledge the important contributions of the so-called “developing countries”. Among them is the Latin America’s critical thinking, which brought a set of new reflections that allowed, among other achievements, the necessary counterpoint to the economistic conceptions of development, in addition to the expansion of
Since then, a lot has changed, especially the world and society. As a result, new issues and challenges have emerged, including the worsening of the environmental and climate crises. Indeed, since the 1980s the environmental crisis has been the central issue on the international political agenda. The United Nations, for example, included environmental and climate goals in its Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and 2030 Agenda.
Nowadays, not only the environmental impact of development models of nations but also the need to rethink and reinvent the structural bases that sustain the current social and economic orders are under discussion. To this end, it is necessary to rethink the communication/development binomial, in addition to overcoming the merely instrumental character of this disciplinary field both in public policies and in many professional training courses. More than ever, it is worth revisiting the warning made by Juan Bordenave:
No, as communicators for development we cannot close our eyes to the reality in which we live and the urgency of its transformation. [...] We have to accept the fact that development is an integral transformation process that includes political, economic, social, technical and cultural transformations. There are no boundaries between popular communication and popular education. As communicators for development we should also be educators for development, that is, we should bring together these two processes, which diverged (BORDENAVE, 2012p. 19)
For this dossier, we aim to encourage discussion about the contribution of communication sciences and communicational/informational practices for the construction of more sustainable and inclusive development models. Theoretical approaches that allow rethinking the communication/development binomial as well as analyses of local and regional communicational experiences and policies are welcome, especially those that dialogue with the Latin American critical thinking and the epistemologies of the South. Papers written in Spanish, Portuguese and English are well accepted for evaluation and publication, always respecting the current quality standards and linguistic norms. Papers that make use of automatic translators, including in the titles and abstracts, will not be accepted.
Thematic pillars:
- Communication for development and its contemporary challenges;
- Communication, development and the environmental issue;
- Communication, Millennium Development Goals and 2030 Agenda;
- Communication for sustainable development from a Global South perspective.
BORDENAVE, J.D. Os novos desafios da comunicação para o desenvolvimento. HEBELÊ, A., Cozenza, B., SOARES, F. (eds). Comunicação para o desenvolvimento. Brasília, DF: Embrapa, 2012
Guidelines for authors:
The deadline for submitting articles will be August 10, 2022.
The texts must follow the rules of the journal that are available at: