CALL FOR PAPERS Year 2023 - Dossier theme: “Communication-decoloniality: epistemic, theoretical, and practical insurgencies”


To think Communication from Decoloniality implies a political, ethical, historical, and situated stance which is interested in the cognizant and practical perspectives of those who have been and are historically un-communicated (Torrico, 2018) and who, nowadays, activate the presence of their voices and knowledge, that is, take back their own existences and re-existences. On this matter, decoloniality, which has already contributed with valuable and innovative perspectives in the communicational field, is also projecting a progressively consolidated thought for the construction of analyses and interpretations about the main contemporary challenges in this area.

The crisis of the dominant civilizational model, in which the recurrent absence and/or silencing of subordinated subjects underlies, leads to the need for a pluriversal and democratic Communication and, therefore, to the urgent return to a re-humanizing Communication (Torrico, 2022) in the Latin American and Caribbean regions.

Hence, it is possible to find in the critique of the constitution and the modern-colonial standards of Western society some keys to renew the intellectual vision and examine the prevailing communicational approaches from other epistemic-political, theoretical and practical horizons, but also reflect on possible alternatives to produce solutions. It requires, consequently, to construct and make visible fields to reinforce regional values, through processes of resistance, appropriations, hybridizations, and transculturation, showing, at the same time, the decolonial representations functional to the prevailing political-economic system (Castro, 2022).

This approach maintains a communicational conception open to insurgencies and committed to the construction of a liberating horizon, in which the plurality of voices, actors, and ideas go beyond the consequences and updates of the colonial matrix in communication, characterized until today by silencing, subalternization, dehumanization, and simplifying dichotomies. Therefore, the critique of the hegemonic geo-historical spaces from which Western narratives are imposed, as well as the consequent displacement of Europhonia, become indispensable and unavoidable tasks.

These challenges are placed at the crossroads of diverse areas, since they encompass the complexity of daily context –sociopolitical, economic, cultural and technological– of the Latin American and Caribbean countries, besides from the understanding of concerns that arise most often given the intense technological implantation with its deterministic relate and the reiterative application of Western knowledge as the only viable way, which results in the suppression of other possibilities of being, thinking and acting.

Thus, communicational decoloniality is a key to a fundamental reinterpretation of the field, since it allows the articulation of categories, ideas and issues in search of tracing routes of otherness to face the problems derived from historical subalternization and multidomination.

This dossier, in this sense, seeks to bring together contributions aimed to the debate, definition and construction of those other paths.


Castro, Eloína (2022). Aportes del grupo Comunicación-Decolonialidad (ALAIC 2016-2022). Quito, Ecuador: Ediciones Ciespal.

Torrico, Erick (2022). Comunicación (re)humanizadora: Ruta decolonial. Quito, Ecuador: Ediciones Ciespal.

------------------- (2018). "La Comunicación decolonial, perspectiva in/surgente". Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias de la Comunicación. São Paulo: ALAIC. N° 28, 72-81.



1) Epistemic interfaces between Communication and Decoloniality

2) Decolonial theoretical reflections from communicational experiences and practices

3) Criticism of modernity-coloniality and its inheritance in communicational processes

4) Practices, territories and esthetics in the Communication-Decoloniality articulation



Deadline for submitting articles: 28.02.23

The texts must follow the norms of the journal, which are available at:



Erick Torrico Villanueva, Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Bolivia.

Verônica Maria Alves Lima, Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), Brazil.

Hugo Ernesto Hernández Carrasco, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Mexico.