Mulheres Quilombolas e ausência de comunicação intercultural para o enfrentamento da Covid-19


  • Ivonete da Silva Lopes
  • Daniela de Ulysséa Leal
  • Jéssica Suzana M. Cardoso
  • Carina Aparecida Veridiano



The debate about the adequacy of communication to local particularities, gender, class, culture
and territory has intensified during the pandemic. This article is inserted in this perspective,
aims to understand the information consumption habits of women from the Quilombola Buieié
Community (Viçosa, MG) in comparison with the communication strategies adopted by the
federal and Minas Gerais government to deal with the specificities of traditional communities
in facing the new coronavirus. In this research 25 women between 18 and 76 years old were
interviewed. The result points to many mismatches between the communication strategies
adopted by the governments and the reality of the subjects of this research. Government
communication has been focused on digital media in relation to the digital exclusion of most
of the interviewees. Women are informed by television or radio, but there is an absence of
campaigns broadcast in these media. The gender and intercultural perspectives for quilombola
communities has also been neglected by the authorities.
Keywords: Quilombola community; risk communication; Intercultural communication; Covid -19



How to Cite

LOPES, I. da S. .; LEAL, D. de U. .; CARDOSO, J. S. M. .; VERIDIANO, C. A. . Mulheres Quilombolas e ausência de comunicação intercultural para o enfrentamento da Covid-19. Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias de la Comunicación, [S. l.], v. 20, n. 38, 2022. DOI: 10.55738/alaic.v20i38.757. Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 dec. 2024.