As TICs no cotidiano de famílias agricultoras: apropriações e incorporações no meio rural contemporâneo


  • Lírian Sifuentes
  • João Vicente Ribas
  • Aline Bianchini



The research aimed to know the appropriations and incorporations of communication
technologies by farming families in southern Brazil. The empirical study, of a socioanthropological
nature, made use of interviews, forms and observations. It was possible to know
the adjustments between new and traditional media in the daily lives. These incorporations are
inserted in the context of a particular rurality, of blurred borders between urban and rural. In
addition to factors such as generation and gender, it was noticed that the productive activity
– family farming – defines the use and type of integration of ICTs in the daily lives of these
Keywords: ICTS; Appropriations and incorporations; Farming families; new ruralities 



How to Cite

SIFUENTES, L. .; RIBAS, J. V. .; BIANCHINI, A. . As TICs no cotidiano de famílias agricultoras: apropriações e incorporações no meio rural contemporâneo. Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias de la Comunicación, [S. l.], v. 20, n. 38, 2022. DOI: 10.55738/alaic.v20i38.765. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.