Mediatización de la alimentación y cuLtura. La hormiga como ingrediente en la disputa de Masterchef


  • João Eudes Portela de Sousa
  • Mônica Cristine Fort



The mediatization of regional food consumption practices is the central theme of this article,
which has as its object of analysis an episode of the “MasterChef Professionals 2018” TV show,
broadcasted in Brazil by the Bandeirantes Television Network. At the occasion, participants of
the cooking reality show were challenged to created is hes with native products from Brazil,
includingthe ant. There are reactions of strangeness and discontent among the challengers. The
study questions the lack of knowledge of traditions by society, as well as the way of spreading
regional customs. The reactions of the subjects involved in the program are discussed, relating
them to the eating and cultural habits of certain regions of the country.
Keywords: Communication; Consumerism practices; Master Chef; Regional culture; Television 



How to Cite

SOUSA, J. E. P. de .; FORT, M. C. . Mediatización de la alimentación y cuLtura. La hormiga como ingrediente en la disputa de Masterchef. Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias de la Comunicación, [S. l.], v. 20, n. 38, 2022. DOI: 10.55738/alaic.v20i38.775. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.



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